About the Project
In October 2023, the new Wynn Hospital in downtown Utica officially opened, consolidating multiple Mohawk Valley Health System (MVHS) hospitals into one facility. The majority of the St. Luke’s Healthcare hospital campus in New Hartford is now closed and prime for redevelopment. The St. Luke’s Home will continue its nursing, rehabilitation, and residential operations at its existing location. Oneida County, Mohawk Valley Health System, Mohawk Valley EDGE (Economic Development Growth Enterprises Corporation) and the Town of New Hartford are partnering to undertake a master-planning effort for the context-sensitive reuse and sustainable redevelopment of the 53+/- acre campus.
In Fall 2023, the project partners engaged Fu Wilmers Design to lead a team of consultants with a wide range of expertise to gather public input and develop a reuse strategy for the campus. The project,"Reimagine St. Luke's - Planning for the Future," is scheduled to run from January to September 2024, with robust civic engagement throughout the process. An Advisory Group made up of community members and representatives will contribute to the project at key milestones and public workshops will be conducted in every phase of the project.
This initial phase of the reuse strategy will consider environmental conditions, pre-demolition planning, rationalization of existing infrastructure, civic engagement, conceptual site planning, market analysis, budgeting, and potential environmental and community impacts of redevelopment scenarios. The team will:
Conduct neighborhood outreach and public engagement to gather input
Provide targeted market analysis based on specific types of housing, commercial space, and amenities found to be in demand in the area
Meet with the partners and stakeholders
Coordinate a boundary survey and title search
Prepare Conceptual Site Plan Alternatives
Conduct a land use/zoning review with recommendations to facilitate redevelopment
Generate a connectivity plan
Address anticipated environmental impacts
Provide cost estimates/budgets for the conceptual site plan alternatives
Prepare a draft Developer RFEI with findings from community planning process
"How can we reimagine this place to be most impactful?"
Our Purpose
To develop a thorough, thoughtful, and strong master plan for the former St. Luke’s Hospital Campus by:
Engaging our community.
Considering existing conditions and identifying future opportunities and needs.
Attempting to complement and align with other areas of growth.
Referencing previous studies and analysis.